🎉 83% of Our Clients Hit Their Q3 Goals - It All Starts With a Marketing Plan 🎉

The Agency That Sets The Marketing Bar
& Continues To Raise It

When other marketing agencies can't, our clients trust us
to keep delivering again and again.

Our Team Moves So Fast, It Was Hard
To Get Pictures That Weren’t Blurry

Class-clowns meet honor students that drive serious ROI,
without taking ourselves too seriously.

Miguel Bolaños

Account Manager
Dave Chappelle's Mom's Loverboy
Years exp.

Miguel was raised by wolves.

Just like Selena Gomez.

Are they related?

Yes. But not in the genetic sense.

They both used to date Dave Chappelle’s mom and love pooping outdoors.

  • - Dirt Pizzas
  • - Getting Lost & Loving It
  • - That F***ing Hair
  • - Coffee, Chocolate, Whiskey (Combined)
  • - Dad Bod Fitness
  • - Yo Momma Jokes

Connor Bolin

Associate Director of Analytics
Pickle Juice
Years exp.

Connor would like you to know that he worked at Geek Squad in high school.

It kinda makes sense.

His slogan is “in front of the clock”?

We think he once saw a coaster and got inspired.

Was he on shrooms at the time?


  • - Geek Squad
  • - Ice, Bug, Steel Types
  • - Having a Child
  • - Chocolate Lava Cakes
  • - Numbers
  • - Counting

Lindsay Botticelli

Senior CRO Designer
Bubble Gum Ice Cream
Years exp.

Being the heiress of Sandro Botticelli, it makes sense that Lindsay’s creativity matches that of the Sistine Chapel.


That’s a pretty big f***ing deal.

If it were true.

Instead, Lindsay eats cannolis.


  • - Car Crying
  • - Elbow Licking
  • - 8 Dogs
  • - Netflix & Netflix
  • - Moist Elbows
  • - Bowl Haircuts

Justin Briones

Operations Manager
Bench Warmer
Years exp.

For someone who has never gotten a minute of playing time in any sport, we have no clue how Justin got the confidence he has.

He wanted us to write that diamonds are made under pressure.

But we’ve seen his paycheck and know he can’t afford a diamond.

So we’re gonna leave that part out.



  • - Losing Bets
  • - Not Winning
  • - Not Betting
  • - Betting
  • - Basketball
  • - Kobe Bryant Mentality

Dalton Buckingham

Front End Engineer
Billy Gates
Years exp.

Dalton has hit some rough patches lately.

– Kid’s birthday parties that he used to DJ for have been shut down due to COVID-19.
– He paid $120 for a $24 box of Omaha Steaks (without any potato gratin).
Stone stopped giving free Pantene Pro-V samples to him.

And to top it all off, his GoFundMe was featured on RuinMyWeek.com, only to be beat by the girl trying to raise money to remove her forehead tattoo.


  • - Ping Pong Debt
  • - Anything Dank
  • - Kid Birthday Parties
  • - Ping Pong
  • - Drinking IPA's
  • - Omaha Steak Valuations

Meet Your Team Before You Work With Us

Say hello to the real humans that you'll work with
on a daily basis before we get serious.

Harrison Carroll

Senior Account Manager
Game Room Junkie
Years exp.

Harrison loves the sound a push broom makes on concrete.

So much that he allowed us to record his reaction (that’s the push broom on the left, Harrison on the right).

Is his job stressful you ask?

Yes, that’s why he gambles all his money away playing pop-a-shot.



  • - Hat Collection
  • - Looking Cute
  • - River Monsters
  • - Pigeons
  • - Oil Spills
  • - Patagucci Sales

Bethany Chase

Office Manager
Everbody's Mom
Years exp.

Who else has a soft spot for rollerblading while wine tasting?

If it wasn’t for Christmas decorations, then we’re sure Beth would be the Michael Jordan of Roller Derbys.

Instead, she has that one month out of the year that complete f***s with her training routine.

Here’s a look at her last practice.

Not good.

  • - Birth Doula'ing
  • - Sports Bandwagon'ing
  • - Graz'ing Board'ing Eat'ing
  • - Pebble Ice
  • - Justin Bieber
  • - Expensive Pajamas

Cody Chase

Senior Conversion Designer
Emoji Emperor
Years exp.

Cody would like you to think that he’s really good at Halo because he’s “played against pros”.

But what he’s really good at is not drinking alcohol.

This is Cody having a good time. Him not having a great time. And him the next day.

The picture of him on this page is actually taken from him sleeping in his bed – we just cropped out the bed and threw confetti at him.


  • - Really Snobby Coffee
  • - Dark Humor
  • - ASMR Videos
  • - Halo (The Video Game)
  • - High Wind Speeds
  • - Banger Songs

Rob Childers

Senior Paid Strategist
Star Wars BDSM
Years exp.


You know you’re in deep when you justify enjoying:
– The Book of Boba Fett
– The Rise of Skywalker
– & Jabba The Hutt (in general)

His favorite candy is Skittles because it starts with the same letter as Star Wars?!

Jesus, Rob.

  • - Is BB Hungry? No BB8
  • - Toyodas
  • - Pizza Hutt
  • - The Color Purple
  • - Anything That Resembles a Light Saber
  • - Tottenham Huttspurs

Sandra Corliss

Junior Accountant
Donut Diva
Years exp.

Sandra tells us she’s 100% Japanese, but we keep telling her that’s no excuse to not talk to us.

Has anyone heard Sandra say ANYTHING?!

We’re beginning to worry.


Talk to us.

  • - Cat Whispering
  • - Public Speaking
  • - ASMR Videos
  • - Sprinkled Donuts
  • - Old Fashioned Donuts
  • - Did We Mention Donuts?

Goals Hit? We Celebrate With Mai-Tais

We went to the island of O'ahu
for our $500K MRR celebration and got sunburned.

Vincent Correa

Campaign Manager
Classic Bro
Years exp.

Vincent: “Knock knock”

KlientBoost: “Who’s there?”

Vincent: “The Jay-Z of Digital Marketing”

KlientBoost: “Who?”

Vincent: “The Jay-Z of….”



  • - Funky Beats
  • - Non-Fitting Clothes
  • - Supa Hot Fire
  • - T-Shirt Businesses
  • - Kidz Bop 37
  • - Under Armour

Alexis D’Zmura

Growth Strategist
Unhealthy Hat Obsession
Years exp.

If having a stroke trying to pronounce her last name wasn’t enough, you should try high-fiving her small sausage fingers.

For every object she sees, she immediately asks herself if she can wear it on her head.

No Alexis, monitors are not headware.

Think she has something  good to offer? Don’t hold your breath.

Poor eyesight, bargain shopping, and The Office references is all you’ll get from Alexis.

  • - Squatting
  • - Tell You She's Croatian
  • - Ice/Water Ratios
  • - Jokes In General
  • - Being Funny
  • - Anything Country

Johnathan Dane

Plastic Gold Chain Enthusiast
Years exp.

Johnathan has a spending problem. Don’t believe us?

How about a 26’ inflatable Santa, one of everything on restaurant menus, four ping pong tables, and a Onewheel skateboard that almost took his life, just to name a few.

He also thinks he’s an Instagram influencer with hopes and dreams of being sponsored by Truff Sauce, Nike, Space Jam, and the country of Denmark.

If you work with any of these organizations please hit him up @GoldChainDane and end our misery.

  • - Confetti Cannons
  • - Not Basketball
  • - Big Ass T-Shirts
  • - Sugary Hot Sauces
  • - Instagram Filters
  • - Foosball

Mary Descalso

Account Manager
"The Tall One"
Years exp.

Mary goes hard at everything in life.

Flag football on the beach? Check.

Potentially knocking dudes out? Check.

Eating on random couches and beds with lifesize cardboard cutouts of Aquaman, real seaweed, and a few sea urchins to keep things spicy? Double check.



  • - Eating In Beds
  • - Being Almost 6 Feet Tall
  • - Lifesize Cardboard Jason Mamoas
  • - The Trash In General
  • - Racoons
  • - Trash TV Too

Michael Dunsterville

Junior Developer
Ayy Mami
Years exp.

For someone who continuously likes to touch his own butt (see previous photoshoot pic here), Michael is surprisingly hands off.

Being the top Spotify ASMR artist 3 years in a row, Michael has won numerous (2) internal Grammys for his #1 track: “Sippin’ on La Croix

Okay, we lied.

But he does like touching his own butt.



  • - Sexy Sax Man'ing
  • - Hosting Trivia
  • - Sippin' La Croix
  • - Thicc Mamies
  • - Chic-fil-A
  • - Girthy Bananas

More Published Client Wins Than Any Agency

See the marketing wins we create on a daily basis and add to our leading track record.

Kyle Durkan

Account Manager
Basic White Dude
Years exp.

Kyle is your typical, basic white dude

We mean, his name is Kyle, c’mon now.

Loves “ice cold IPA’s, weekend golf, fantasy football”

Enough with your bulls***, Kyle.

Tell the world about your OnlyFans page.



  • - Webcams
  • - Hanging With Chads
  • - Monster Energy
  • - Crunchy Tacos
  • - Ice Cold IPA's
  • - Saying No

Kendra Fisher

Inbound Growth Strategist
Queen of Accidents
Years exp.

Kendra “accidentally” placed third in a marathon.

She “accidentally” flew to London during lockdown for a 36 hour vacation.

She “accidentally” runs Ina Garten’s (Barefoot Contessa) fan club of 103,704 members.

You’re f***ing wild, Kendra.

Never change.

  • - Punishing Her Body
  • - Workout Vacations
  • - Any Sport But Volleyball
  • - Ina Garten's Feet
  • - Food Network
  • - Food

Amy Ford-Wilson-Spalding-General-Motors

Account Coordinator
Prosecco Princess
Years exp.

Being the offspring of Henry Ford and Thomas E. Wilson, Amy decided it wasn’t enough with just two dads.

She decided to recruit another dad, Albert Goodwill Spalding, and to keep things consistent, decided to just add “General Motors” to her last name.

She gets what she wants.

Especially during online shopping sprees after a little glass of wine.

  • - Hat Game
  • - Fascinators
  • - Sweaty Brims
  • - Paul Rudd
  • - Chips & Guac
  • - Bubbly Alcohol

Jordyn Frary

Account Manager
2nd Best Karaoke Star
Years exp.

Being the former brand ambassador, spokesperson, and fake CMO of Norms Restaurants, Jordyn knows a thing or two about marketing and steak for breakfast.

What are those things?

  1. You can’t outrun 70s interior design, but you can try
  2. Not a lot of people eat a 1 pound porterhouse steak & eggs for breakfast

What’s also cool about Jordyn you ask?

She keeps pushing the envelope with her latest attempt of eating pasta while thrift shopping.

  • - Party Planning Committees (PPC)
  • - Is Shopping One?
  • - London Bridge by Fergie
  • - Rigatoni
  • - Fettucini
  • - Spaghetti

Reese Garcia

Director of eCommerce
"Buy This Shit"
Years exp.

Suffering from too much success, Reese is the world’s leading archivist of DJ Khaled Snapchat screenshots.

Want him to do something for you?

Just add the word, “Wagyu” next to it.

Don’t believe us? Then look at this.



  • - Drumming
  • - Smooth Butter Voice
  • - Imaginary Purse Holding
  • - Over-Priced Restaurants
  • - Ping Pong
  • - Any Motor Skill

See What We're Up To on Instagram

No food pics, we promise.
Just a ton of awful filter choices by our CEO.

Hannah Hanson

Marketing Intern
Chic-fil-A on Sundays
Years exp.

Best part about having interns is that you can get them to do almost anything.

Set up Christmas lights? Check.
Hide Smirnoff Ice’s? Check.
Learn a little bit of marketing? Check.

We’re just waiting until we can send Hannah to go buy us more alcohol.

True intern ROI.

  • - Thrift Shopping
  • - Just Dance
  • - Going & Getting Things
  • - Taking Dogs on Walks
  • - Javier's
  • - TikTok Choreography

Beavis Hari

Lead Designer
Denim Daddy
Years exp.

Ever seen a guy smile while farting? Now you have.

As a recent graduate from Monchong University in Cell Block D, Beavis collects A LOT of denim clothing (more denim than you’d think).

How does he do it? He gives credit to his coleslaw addiction.

Maybe that’s why he has gas issues?



  • - Brian Dao Spirit
  • - Buss Down
  • - 420 All Day
  • - Forehead Veins
  • - Butter Humans
  • - Glen Coco

Matt Hurst

Senior Growth Strategist
Creeper 'Stache
Years exp.

Before coming to KlientBoost, Matt used to be phenomenal at spelling.

Admiring Lance Armstrong while growing up (the doping part, not cycling), he’s now an avid smoker.

We’ve told him that he can do drugs without the bike riding part, but he insists on having the body weight (and shape) of a 12 year old boy.



  • - Not Sports
  • - Not Dancing
  • - Mustache Growing
  • - Positivity
  • - Happiness
  • - 90 Day Fiancé

Mario Jacome

Head of Brand Design
Here's The Thing...
Years exp.

Before Mario joined the KlientBoost team, he asked a very important question that we were unsure of how to answer.
The conversation went something like this:

Mario: So the pay, benefits, and perks are cool and all, but can I make butts?

KlientBoost: Uhhhh… what do you mean by, butts?

Mario: Like, booty cheeks. Gluteus maximus, tush, you know, this thing.. (he then stands up on Zoom and turns around)

KlientBoost: Ahhhh… Thanks for the demonstration. We guess so?

Mario: Rad, I’m in.

And since then, he has produced some unique posteriors for us that you can find here, here, here, here, and here.

  • - Drawing Stick Figures
  • - Pretending To Be in a Band
  • - Onions
  • - Anything Collectible
  • - The Backyardigans
  • - Being Funny

Jordan Kaatz

CRO Designer
Boss Ass B****
Years exp.

When Jordan was ten years old, her tooth got knocked out while playing soccer – coach still made her play the rest of the game (swag).

She says her name is Jordan “Kaatz” because she’s always ready to “pounce”.

After she told us that, we were like.

We had to give her a subscription to Ancestry.com to show her family tree and explain how last names work.


  • - Poodle Hair
  • - Pouncing People
  • - Midnight McDonald's
  • - Magic Mushrooms
  • - In-N-Out Burger
  • - Umbrella by Rihanna

See What People Are Saying About Us

We're really good at tooting our own horn, but it's more fun when others do it.

Elisha Manassa

Senior Account Manager
ASMR Enthusiast
Years exp.

Elisha’s last name sounds like the sound you make when you take a bite of something that’s way too hot and you’re struggling with cooling it down without spitting it out.

No surprise that she calls herself an “ASMR enthusiast” – here’s her latest video.

Soon, she’s going to attempt eating cheese slices on Pop-Tarts.

Did we mention she’s not a Guinness World Record holder?


  • - Discount Cheese
  • - Mermaid Items
  • - Not Walking Over Grates
  • - Microphones
  • - 420 Degree Cheese
  • - Mouth Icepacks

Ali Nailor

CRO Designer
Candle Connoisseur
Years exp.

Ali is 8 foot, 3 inches tall.

And we didn’t even have to measure her.

We could tell by the altitude of the confetti pop.

No wonder she assisted on a cataract surgery at age 16.


  • - Jane Austen Denim Jackets
  • - Olive Garden Discounts
  • - Early Hydro Flask Adopting
  • - Hot Wax
  • - Love Island
  • - Real Candles on Islands

Emil Narragon

Senior Account Manager
Surf's Up, Loser
Years exp.

Emil’s the weird type of person that just falls asleep in weird places and hopes to wake up with a new tattoo.

That’s how he said he got his pineapple tattoo in Nicaragua and fruit family sleeve in Japan.

Do we believe him?

Yes, because he also shares the same lower back tattoo with his mom.



  • - Tandem Sky Dives
  • - Fruit Tattoos
  • - White Belts?
  • - Nostril Leakage
  • - Office Massage Seconds
  • - Pounding Cheese Pizza

Nicolette Norris

SEO Content Editor
Gangster Rap Burritos
Years exp.

Nicolette got her foot run over at age 12 and broke ZERO bones.

What she didn’t tell us was that it was a tricycle.

In her dreams.

From a Sesame Street episode she watched.

Her biggest fear today is the Fire Elmo GIF.

  • - Cookie Butter Lattes?
  • - Not Making Grammar Mistakes
  • - Cats & Seinfeld
  • - Disney Singalongs
  • - Pandemic Eating
  • - Being Extra

Gabriel Peralta

Senior Paid Strategist
Bad Bunny's Brother
Years exp.

Gabe isn’t your typical marketer.

He’s tiny and hard to find.

What’s even worse is that he loves wet clay (it’s a weakness of his).

Has he watched Ghost with Patrick Swayze & Demi Moore?


But does he know how to work the clay? Absolutely.

  • - Kickball
  • - Kick a Ball
  • - Balls That Need Kicking
  • - Wet Clay
  • - Orientation In Venice
  • - Boba Balls

Why Are We Called KlientBoost?

/ˈklīəntbo͞ost/ - We honestly f'ed up. It's hard to pronounce, we get it.
But now it's also too late to change it.

Robbie Riley

Account Manager
Horrible Flip Cupper
Years exp.

Before Robbie’s interview, he emailed us that he has “worked on music videos for The Weekend, Ariana Grande, Bruno Mars, Nikki Minaj and others.”

We said LOL.

It’s “The Weeknd” and “Nicki Minaj“.

So even though he’s a liar, we still hired him.

  • - Air Frying Everything
  • - Peer Pressuring
  • - Talking Too Much
  • - Air Frying Everything
  • - Boasting About Celebrities
  • - Spelling

Travis Russell

Account Manager
Corey Maggette's B****
Years exp.

Travis was once sponsored by NBA basketball star Corey Maggette.

In his younger days, Travis was apparently good at golf, so “good” he had to hunt for sugar daddies for financial support.

Did he ever make any of his sugar daddies money?




  • - Coors Light
  • - Eric Church
  • - Mini Fridges
  • - Ugly Tattoos
  • - Golf Hats
  • - Talking About Golf

Regina Sirko

Senior Account Manager
Honey Badger
Years exp.

Regina is super good at pretending she knows what she’s talking about & then convinces herself she’s now an expert.

Like how she thinks it’s impressive to tell us she went to school with Jerry Rice’s kids?

Who gives a f***, Regina?

That ain’t no supa hot fire.




  • - Instagram Stalking
  • - Not Giving F***s
  • - Morning Tequila
  • - Afternoon Tequila
  • - Dance Moms
  • - Anything "Edible"

Ivette Solorio

Flower Girl CEO
Years exp.

Ivette has a turtle named Myrtle and dog named Bog.

She also has a cat named Rat and a bird named Turd.

Is she the modern day Steve Irwin?


When it comes to her auditing the SEO of potential clients.

  • - Flower Girling
  • - Uncle Collecting
  • - Wedding Attending
  • - Pet Names
  • - Pet Hoarding
  • - Low Quality Chocolates

Patrick Stephenson

Senior Account Manager
Americal Idol Wannabe
Years exp.

Being a sharp dresser himself, Patrick doesn’t let first impressions happen by chance.

That’s why he always wins “Best Dressed” at KlientBoost.

What’s his secret you ask?

Don’t tell him we told you, but here you go: https://www.walmart.com/browse/ryan-seacrest-distinction/


  • - Not Beating John Wall
  • - Talking Shit To Nicholas Sparks
  • - Having "Dinner" w/ Maria Taylor
  • - Ryan Seacrest
  • - Ryan Seacrest's Clothing Line
  • - KUWTK

See How We Push Ourselves

We got 67% of the company to do a Spartan race.
Will we do it again? Absolutely not.

Courtney Taylor

Campaign Director
T Swift 4 Lyfe
Years exp.

You’ve never met a more American person than Courtney.

She got her first boyfriend using the pick up line: On a scale from one to America, how free are you tonight?

And if driving with the top off your Jeep, blasting Taylor Swift, and eating Freedom Fries doesn’t immediately make you want to pet your bald eagle, then can you really call yourself a patriot?

Also, her shower curtain is the Declaration of Independence.


  • - Pew Pew
  • - Tae-Kwon-Do
  • - Stick Shifting
  • - Lychee Martinis
  • - Mickey Mouse
  • - Scented Candles

Apryl Thimsen

Paid Strategist
Minnie Mouse's Clone
Years exp.

You know types of people who have superglued Minnie Mouse ears to their skull?

That’s Apryl.

Thinking that going to Disneyland will solve all her problems is the funnies thing we’ve ever experienced.

She does know that Disneyland is more expensive than therapy.


  • - Disney Marathons (The Running Kind)
  • - Chick-Fil-A Syrup
  • - Disneyland Therapy
  • - Any Kind of Syrup
  • - Chick-Fil-A Syrup
  • - Car Syrup (Aka Oil)

Tiffany Tran

Lead Designer
Woke Up In a New Spaghetti
Years exp.

Tiffany doesn’t give a f*** about what you think.

Not happy with the designs? Does it look like she cares?
Got a request? She’s already celebrating happy hour.

How is she such a bad ass?

We think it has something to do with 60% of her body not being water, but La Croix instead.

Pamplemousse, bitch.



  • - Breaking Ankles
  • - Making Others Laugh
  • - Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • - Trash Celebrity Gossip
  • - Off-Brand Bejeweled Games
  • - Cat Feet

Jaime Vallinas

Senior Campaign Manager
Courage & Caves
Years exp.

Call him old fashioned, but Jaime’s guiltiest pleasures is taking photos.

Photos of what you ask? 

We don’t ask those kinds of questions.

He says he’s had a NFC chip implant once, but he won’t tell us where it was on his body or what it did.

We’ll figure this out and report back.



  • - NFC Chip Implants
  • - Jurassic Weddings
  • - Being a Girl/Boy Dad
  • - Night Lights
  • - REESE'S Peanut Butter Cups
  • - Puppies

Lauren Vosseler

Account Manager
Olympic Swimmer Reject
Years exp.

For someone who’s insanely awkward, Lauren is insanely funny (sometimes).

She’s that quiet/weird type that just knows the perfect roast, but also holds back out of fear because the person might cry.

She says that she swam at the olympic trials, but we found evidence that wasn’t the case.



  • - Roasting Others
  • - Worming @ Parties
  • - Shower Beers
  • - Dad Jokes
  • - Smirnoff Ice
  • - Anything Alcohol